Although Europeans had attempted to colonize overseas lands in the crusades era, their attempts eventually failed.
It wasn’t until the 16th century that Europeans finally managed to conquer and dominate vast swathes of lands abroad, and impose their economic model, as well as other cultural traits such as religion, education, languages and political organization.
In spite of the disappearance of the colonial empires in the 20th century, this Western dominance continued unabated and Westerners continued to enjoy much higher incomes than the rest of the world.
However, the incredible rise of China at the end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st century challenges Western domination.
The BRICS expansion including the world’s demographic giants as well as the biggest world energy producers very much exemplifies this challenge.
Could we be witnessing in front of our eyes, at this very moment, the end of Western dominance? And if this were the case, could the political model of democracy disappear and could Westerners’ prosperity finally start to fade?
In order to prepare this debate, I have selected two texts extracted from current news, as well as the works of historian Niall Ferguson “Civilization – Is the West history” which can be found in the book “Civilization”, or a BBC series available for free on YouTube.